Carol Baxter, the history detective, is the critically acclaimed author of six history books, most focusing on Australian stories. Each tells the true story of an ordinary person or group of people caught up in extraordinary events that created a place for them in the history books.
The Fabulous Flying
Mrs Miller
The true story of Australia's first
internationally famous aviatrix
Australian purchases
RRP: $33.00
Website price:
International & Kindle
The Peculiar Case of the
Electric Constable
The true story of the murder that
kickstarted the Communication Revolution
Australian purchases
RRP: $20.00
Website price:
International & Kindle
Captain Thunderbolt
& His Lady
The true story of bushrangers
Frederick Ward and Mary Ann Bugg
Australian purchases
RRP: $33.00
Website price:
International & Kindle
Black Widow
The true story of Australia's
first female serial killer
Australian purchases
RRP: $30.00
Website price:
International & Kindle
Breaking the
The true story of
Australia's largest bank robbery
Australian purchases
RRP: $35.00
Website price:
International & Kindle
An Irresistible
The true story of Jane New
and a colonial political sex scandal
Australian purchases
RRP: $27.00
Website price:
International & Kindle
If you wish to order a mix of publications, you will need to contact Carol directly.
Otherwise, the website will double up on the postage fees.
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